The Illegitimate Overturning of Abortion Rights Must Not Stand!

Forced Motherhood = Female Enslavement

LEGAL ABORTION On Demand & Without Apology Nationwide!

The Illegitimate Overturning of Abortion Rights
Must Not Stand!
Forced Motherhood = Female Enslavement
Without Apology Nationwide!

The Post-Roe Horror is a Bipartisan Production

The Post-Roe Horror is a Bipartisan Production

Every day or so we learn about new horrors inflicted on women and girls by the vicious war on abortion rights that has been dramatically escalated in the wake of the United States Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision. There’s nothing mysterious about the Donald Trump-captive Republi-fascist Party’s reprehensible role spearheading this sadistic sexist assault. The attack has been spearheaded by that party’s elected officials and judicial appointees from the preposterously 6-3 right-wing Court, which overrode super-majority public support for retaining Roe v. Wade (the 1973 Court decision that established abortion as a constitutional right), red state legislators, governors, and judges who are banning and severely restricting female reproductive choice across the nation.
