The Illegitimate Overturning of Abortion Rights Must Not Stand!

Forced Motherhood = Female Enslavement

LEGAL ABORTION On Demand & Without Apology Nationwide!

The Illegitimate Overturning of Abortion Rights
Must Not Stand!
Forced Motherhood = Female Enslavement
Without Apology Nationwide!

Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights Condemns the Capitulation of Walgreens

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Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights Condemns the Capitulation of Walgreens

“Walgreens’ decision not to carry legally protected abortion medication in Kansas is a craven capitulation to the Christian fascist war on women at the same time that a federal judge in Texas is poised to pull one of the most common and safe abortion medications (mifepristone) off the market nationwide. Silence in the face of this is complicity in the enslavement of women. Join us in the streets on International Women’s Day to fight for LEGAL ABORTION ON DEMAND AND WITHOUT APOLOGY EVERYWHERE!” – Sunsara Taylor 


Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights condemns the capitulation of Walgreens to the Christian fascist assault on women’s lives by removing legally protected medication abortion from the whole state of Kansas. This is an outrageous and dangerous precedent. We call on all to join in protest this International Women’s Day, Wednesday, March 8, to demand: Legal Abortion On Demand and Without Apology because Forced Motherhood = Female Enslavement.

When the Supreme Court overturned women’s fundamental right to abortion last year, they claimed they would leave the matter up to the states. This was never legitimate because a woman’s right to decide for herself when and whether to have a child is fundamental to her very humanity. Denying this right anywhere is an assault on women’s status as full human beings everywhere. Worse, as Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights warned from our very founding, it was never the intent of the Christian fascists to simply leave abortion rights “up to the states.”  The people of Kansas voted last summer to retain the right to abortion in their state constitution and the Attorney General simply overrode them, with Walgreens’ complicity, on completely invalid and unlawful grounds.

The refusal of Walgreens to carry this abortion medication is a violent assault on women’s lives and rights which must be protested and reversed. It also must serve as a further wake-up call to all who care about the lives and rights of women and the future of justice as a whole, as we said in our founding statement:

The violent subjugation of half of society must not be accommodated, excused, downplayed, or surrendered toIT MUST BE STOPPED! If we leave this to Congress, the Courts, and State Legislatures and do not fill the streets with people determined to stop this, then there is virtually no hope for stopping this assault. But if we, in our multitudes, stand up in uncompromising defiance then there is a possibility—not a certainty, but a real possibility—that we could beat back this assault and begin to change the whole political dynamic in this country. Our only way forward and our best way forward is to resist.

We call on everyone who cares about the future of women and girls, the rights of LGBTQ people, and justice overall to join us in the streets on this International Women’s Day, Wednesday, March 8, to declare:

Legal Abortion on Demand and Without Apology Everywhere!
Forced Motherhood = Female Enslavement

